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Adult Spiritual Formation

When we do faith by ourselves, or with people just like us, God becomes small and controllable. When faith is practiced in community, especially diverse community, God becomes bigger, broader, and the gift of grace is far more powerful. Therefore, join us on this wild adventure of faith. 



We have small groups that meet weekly or bi-weekly on Wednesdays at 5:30 or 7pm at the church. We share a meal together at 6:30pm. In these groups we study scripture, and we honor each other’s perspective with humility. Our winter/spring semester is every other Wednesday January 15-April 9th. We are studying 1 Thessalonians.


Provides opportunities for people of all races to come together and engage in meaningful dialogue, in order to build understanding and trust. Through our programs and field trips, we strive to create an environment that promotes healing and reconciliation. Our goal is to create a society that is built on respect, equality, and justice for all. 


Dwelling in the Word


On Sunday Mornings at 9 am in the chapel we gather to read God's word in a practice we are calling "Dwelling in the Word." We read the scripture twice then share with a partner what is standing out to you in the scripture and why. After we have listened to our partners we share back to the group what we heard our partners say. We end this practice in prayer. Join us for this devotional time to listen to God's word. NOTE: this group does not meet every Sunday, please view schedule. 


Woman have inherent value in God. This truth enables women to encourage one another in the different stages of life, and strengthens them to serve God in our daily lives. Our hybrid gathers are on the first Monday of the month from October to June at 7pm. We are currently studying "Let Justice Roll Down: God's Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation."



This past fall the men of Eastminster went on two golf related outings! These men’s gatherings seek to open us up to experience God through the gift of friendship. Please stay turned for our offerings this Spring. 

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