Children and Youth

Sunday Morning Programing
Infant to Preschool Age
Nursery: Located to the left and down the steps from the main entrance of the church, this special space for our littlest ones ensures they are safe while being cared for with the love of Jesus. Infant and toddlers are welcome in the nursery during the worship service on Sunday mornings. Snack and a Bible lesson are offered every week by our team of background checked volunteers.
Elementary Age Children
Kingdom Bringers: "But Jesus called the children to Him and said, ‘Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them! For the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.’" Our elementary aged children are invited to attend Kingdom Bringers during a portion of the Sunday morning service. Each Sunday we use Bible lessons, games and times of fellowship to ensure all our students leave with a greater understanding of God's love.

Wednesday Evening Programing
Elementary Age Children
"One Big" Programming
Wednesday evening (5:30pm-6:45pm) programming is offered every fall and spring. Elementary aged kids are invited to participate with the goal of developing practices and skills that will help kids live out their faith in Jesus. We learn how to pray in One Big Prayer, how to read the Bible in One Big Story and how to love one another in One Big Family. Dinner is provided.
Chosen Generation Youth Group
Our program for middle and high school students meets Wednesday's during the school year in our Youth Lounge downstairs at 7pm. Through fellowship, engaging lesson times, and exciting games our goal is to enable our students know and believe that they are who God says they are. Our goal is for them to better love one another and creation in a way that glorifies God. Dinner is provided each week.
Meet Our Children and Youth Minister
Rev. Josh Barna
Josh has served in this position at Eastminster since 2016. He was educated at Wheaton College and PTS. He has over 20 years of joyous experience working with young kids and youth in various churches beginning in suburban Pittsburgh, then in Texas, and next Ohio, and now back in Pittsburgh, where his wife works as a professor at Pitt. He loves spending times with kids of all ages, including his two amazing girls, Cosette and Basil, who you will most likely see dancing in the aisles as they worship on Sunday. His passion is to help kids know who God says they are and how he loves them.